Art in the Woolshed 2010

Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society Inc (TOSSI) held its fifth Art in the Woolshed exhibition in March 2010.

The exhibition displayed paintings, photography, sculptures, glass and ceramics. The artists included some of New Zealand's best known, as well as first time exhibitiors.

Proceeds from the exhibition contribute to continuing the vital work of habitat restoration, predator control and re-introduction of endangered species in the Open Sanctuary, situated on the Tawharanui Peninsula.

The Tawharanui Open Sanctuary integrates the conservation of native species, farming, and public recreation.

Artist's Statement

Gone Tomorrow

Our rural environment is changing: subdivisions are springing up, villages are being redeveloped and roads are being sealed.

My main photographic project in recent years has been to capture the changing roads of my area around Leigh.

I am looking at the places we rush past en route to daily destinations, and documenting my surroundings as they change - for one day, many of these scenes will exist only in memory.

The photos in this series are all in a square, black and white format. I chose this format because it echoes the work of earlier photographers and many such scenes will also psass into history.

All content copyright © Richard Smallfield 2010
Email Richard